It started off as a light and fluffy cartooney style illustration inspiration. I imagined bold coloured, simple vector based illustrations like the kind you'd see on t-shirts, of animals dressed as more fierce or cooler animals you imagine they'd really like to be. Like the Dog dressed as the Lion I'd seen on Facebook . . (which triggered this whole thought process)
A Donkey dressed as a Unicorn, a Child wearing his Daddies work boots and Hard hat, a Boy dressed as a Superhero . . . .
. . . A Woman wearing Fake tan, Fake nails, Fake boobs, Fake eyelashes, Fake hair, Fake height shoes. Fake image?...
Then I started to wonder about the darker side of people pretending to be something they are not.. An Abusive Spouse pretending to be a Loving Partner in public, a Pedophile with a Fake internet Profile, a Suicide Bomber posing as a Dedicated Religious Deciple.
A Truth Seeker acting as a Criminal defense Lawyer, a Scared Child as a Playground Tough Guy, A Terrified Mother as a Brave Protector, an Unhappy Relationship posing as the Perfect Couple....
It struck me that so much of what I see people project into the world is Fake. Or them trying to be something they are not, or trying to project an image that is not real.
To be accepted.
To be liked.
To hide from reality.
To be something they are not.
Of course some of it is for fun, or is a product of aspiration - a child dressing as their beloved parent or idol. Applying a bit of make up to give that little boost of confidence.
But where does it end? When have we gone too far?
And why can't people just be honest with the world?
Why are so many people hiding behind a made up public image?